Our Goals & Services

We feel confident that by demanding regular payments to composers and artists, accompanied by financial statements that are checked for accuracy, we can improve the status of jazz composers in the industry at large and reap for them the rewards they deserve. Each individual composer will, as a result, also benefit. This is a tide that lifts all ships.

Our Services . . .

We work towards establishing a network of many composers with claims against the same group of publishers, basing our work on the principle of strength in numbers. By pursuing several clients’ claims simultaneously and vigorously, through the Jazz Composers Service, each composer gains clout he or she could not muster alone.

We have researched the holdings of many music publishing and recording companies, and we are continuously adding to our body of knowledge in the field. If you affiliate with the Jazz Composers Service, we will research your compositions in depth to find out who the current publishers may be, whether or not the compositions have been listed correctly with your performance rights society, and whether or not your compositions need copyright protection (or renewal of same).

If recordings containing your compositions are currently available, most likely, you should be receiving money. As a leader, if you have recordings that are currently available (or temporarily out-of-print), you should be receiving money for them, as well. If you are not, let us find out who is collecting your money, why they are not paying you, and demand payment on your behalf.

The Jazz Composers Service works solely on a percentage basis. There are no initiation fees, sign-up fees, or annual dues.

We collect nothing from you until we collect something for you.

If you are interested in our services, please call, write, or e-mail us (See: Contact And/Or Book Us).  We will be happy to send you an agreement for review.

To learn more about the Director of the Jazz Composers Service, continue . . . .

Photo above: Dean Pratt conducting the Dean Pratt Big Band. (Photo: Angel Rosado.)